Christchurch based Structural Engineering Services

[email protected]
Tindus Limited 2025


Structural Assessments and Reports

1) Complete an Initial Assessment and produce an Initial Structural Report if there is evidence of unresolved damage from the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES).
2) Conduct a Comprehensive Assessment, including a review of all third-party and EQC documentation, and prepare a Structural Damage and Reinstatement Report.

Who should book an Initial Assessment?
If you have concerns about unresolved damage from the CES, have a valid claim with Natural Hazards Commission (NHC, formerly EQC) and your claim was undercap, an Initial Assessment can help identify issues.
What is unresolved damage?
Unresolved damage may include issues such as uneven floor levels, foundation damage, inadequate or non-compliant repairs or missed damage that has been caused by the CES.
Repairs have been completed, can there still be unresolved damage caused by the CES?
Unfortunately, yes.
What happens if the Initial Assessment finds unresolved damage?
We will prepare an Initial Structural Report and can assist by contacting the NHC on your behalf to reopen your claim. If the findings are accepted, a Comprehensive Assessment and a Structural Damage and Reinstatement Report will be completed.
How much will this cost?
You will not be charged for the Initial Assessment. If you have a valid insurance claim with NHC (formerly EQC) and accepted unresolved damage is found, the costs associated with the Initial Structural Report and ongoing involvement should be covered under your claim.
Who will carry out the assessments and reporting?
Senior and chartered structural engineers with extensive experience in earthquake damage assessments and reporting.
How long does a Structural Assessment take?
The Initial Assessment usually takes about an hour, with the Initial Structural Report ready within a few days should unresolved damage be found. A Comprehensive Assessment typically takes longer (3-5 hours) and may involve additional experts, with the Structural Damage and Reinstatement Report ready in a few weeks.

[email protected]
Tindus Limited 2025


Structural Design and Documentation

1) Discuss the project brief and provide a proposal. Proceed if accepted.
2) Complete Structural Design and Documentation (including drawings, specifications, PS1, and RFIs) for consent and construction.3) Conduct Construction Monitoring and provide Documentation (including site instruction reports and PS4) to ensure the design is properly implemented during construction.

[email protected]
Tindus Limited 2025